Punny Pet Names – The Purr-fect List
As pet sitters we adore meeting new pets and always have a smile for a cleverly or uniquely named pet, whether it’s a turtle named Mario Andretti or a cat named Potato Chip. But some of us need a little extra help when it comes to puns. That’s where we come in!
Have you adopted a new pet during the quarantine? Are you wondering what to name him or her? Well, look no further! We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the most purr-fectly punny names. So if you’re ever in need, just re-fur to this list!
“Pup” Culture Puns
- Andy Warhowl
- Indiana Bones
- Kanye Westie
- Jude Paw
- Mutt Damon or Cat Damon
- Bark Wahlberg
- Bark E. Bark
- Benedict Cumberbark
- Jon Bone Jovi
- Sarah Jessica Barker
- Woofie Goldberg
- Catrick Swayze
- Meowly Cyrus
- Snarls Barkley
- The Notorious D.O.G.
- Winnie the Pooch
- Bilbo Waggins
- Mary Puppins
- Kitty Pawpins
- Sherlock Bones
- Beowoof
- Droolieus Caesar
- Jimmy Chew
- Vera Fang
- The Great Catsby
- JK Moewling
- Purrnest Hemingway
- Butch Catsidy
- Santa Claws or Santa Paws
- Cat Stevens
- Paw McCartney
- Cat Benatar
- Cat Sajak
- Demi Meower
- Pawdry Hepburn
- Puma Thurman
- Orville Redenbarker
- Kareem Abdul Ja-Bark
- Tina Spay
- Olivia Chewton John
- Ellen Degeneruff
- Lady Dogiva
- Catalie Portman
- Mr. Meowgi
- Neil Catrick Harris
Historical People Puns:
- Karl Barx
- Rosa Barks
- Woof Bader Ginsburg
- Woof Blitzer
- Winston Furchill
- Salvador Dogi
- Fuzz Aldrin
- Bark Obama or Barack Obameow
- Catpurnicus
- Cleocatra
- Oedipuss
- Margaret Scratcher
- Henry Hissinger
- Paw Revere
- William Shakespurr or Shakespaw
- Sir Arthur Canine Doyle
- Dogstoyevsky
- Picatso
- Anderson Pooper
- Chairwoman/Chairman Miao
- Fidel Catstro
- Ghengis Khat
- Alexander Hameowlton
Star Wars Puns (and a few Star Trek):
- Arftoo D2
- Chewbarka
- Arf Vader
- Arf Maul
- Boba Fetch
- Jabba the Mutt
- Luke Skybarker or Skywhisker
- Obi Wag Kenobi or Obi Paw Kenobi
- Lando Catrissian
- Emperor Meowpatine
- Leonard Nemeow
- William Catner
- Captain Purrcard
Harry Potter Puns:
- Dumbledog
- Albus Puppledore
- Salazar Snifferin
- Helga Hufflepup
- Rowena Ravenpaw
- Godric Griffindog
- Hairy Paw-ter
- Ron Fleasly
- JK Growling
- JK Meowling
Try out your own puns
If none of those names pricked your fancy, try creating your own with some of these pet-associated words. I bet you’ll do claw-some!
- Meow
- Purr
- Hiss
- Woof
- Arf
- Bark
- Kitten
- Pup
- Paw
- Tail
- Claw
- Fur
- Cat
- Dog